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Tarot Workshop (Weekend Saturday and Sunday) 25th and 26th Online Zoom

Tarot Workshop (Weekend Saturday and Sunday) 25th and 26th Online Zoom



The Tarot workshop for beginners is one of the most popular and fun based courses I run and host. Students will learn the Major Arcana Tarot Card meanings, gaining an in-depth understanding, with examples to each of the 22 Major Acarna cards.


This 2 day workshop will help you feel confident, giving a good level of Tarot card readings for fun, to your friends and family. 


Who is this workshop for?

My beginners Tarot workshops are aimed at the novice. You don’t need any previous experience. Just an interest and an open mind.


What will I learn?

To be able to give accurate psychic readings with the tarot.

How to consult the tarot for quick questions, or more detailed readings.

To understand how to use the tarot to gain an insight to any challenge, or crossroads you might be experiencing in your life.

Give accurate psychic readings using the Major Arcana.

Identify and understand more of the lessons we lean and exchange in life.

Understand the symbology of the four elemental signs in regards to the different personality types.

Discover the different spreads to a specific answer to which you seek.

To give and receive a reading for the month ahead and what may be coming towards you.


Day 1 will cover

  • Getting to know Major Arcana
  • The Minor Arcana
  • The Court Cards – who they represent in your life
  • How to get ready for a reading , protection , grounding and holding space
  • Numerical associations plus timing in Tarot
  • Using tarot as a tool in developing intuition
  • Astrological associations
  • Using spreads
  • Blending cards and card Combos- reading patterns
  • Learning to read themes
  • Code of ethics , boundaries
  • Tips to read professionally

Day 2 will cover

  • Practice spreads with other students and reading demos by me to explain how to read in context to questions asked




Last Day to Pay is: 04/25/2020



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