Herbs A to Z
I offer Herbs A to Z and Bonus I will tell you what it is used for magickal and health wise
List: Agrimony (Hard to get) Agrimony is an herb of protection and reversal magick. It is used to break jinxes, and to turn them back upon the sender. In Hoodoo, Agrimony is considered to be one of the best herbs for counteracting the Evil Eye, slander, and gossip.Agrimony is also used in folk magick charms to ensure restful sleep. It is especially used when a person is anxious or troubled by nightmares. A traditional English rhyme says of Agrimony:Alfalfa Alfalfa is used for health, prosperity, and good fortune. Hoodoo practitioners use it as both a money-drawing herb, and protection for existing assets (i.e., Money Stay With Me spells). Generally, the herb is added to spells and charms in its dried form, rather than being infused or burned as an incense.Aniseed Magickal uses: Contacting other planes, divination, love, passion, preventing nightmares, protection, psychic development, psychic protection, purification Other magickal uses: Clairvoyance, cleansing, consecration, fertility, gain, good luck, happiness, money, weddingsArnica $5.00Magickal Uses: Increases Psychic Powers, Protection from Spirits. Arnica is masculine in nature and associated with Midsummer, the harvest and harvest spirits.Angelica root Angelica was used to ward off disease, cure poisoning, and bring blessings upon the home.Barberry root Cleansing, sorcery, atonement, freeing oneself from the power or control of another.Also Called: Witches SweetsBasil known to aid in matters of luck, money, purification, banishment, love and a number of other magical uses, Basil serves as the perfect herb to always keep on hand.Bay leaves Bring amazing amounts of magick to your life, your food, and your wallet! Bay Laurel is an amazing herb that contains the power to grant wishes, clear a space of harmful energy, and bring you prosperityBees wax pellets $5.00 Beeswax may serve the Witch in a number of ways. Beeswax is crafted into candles, poppets, talismans and seals. It is an ingredient in ointments and natural body products. It has the marvelous property of anchoring and blending other spell ingredients together into a harmonious whole.Beet root Love. Beet can be used as ink for love magick or as a substitute for blood in spells and rituals.Benzoin gum Purification, prosperity, soothing tension, dispelling anger, diminishing irritability, relieving stress & anxiety, and overcoming depression. Promotes generosity and concentration. Good to burn while using the Tarot or for success in intellectual matters. Smoulder for purification. An incense of benzoin, cinnamon and basil is said to attract customers to your place of business.Also Called: Snowbells, Storax, Gum Benzoin, Siam Benzoin, Siamese Benzoin, Benzoin Gum, Ben, BenjamenBoneset Protection, exorcism and warding off evil spirits. Sprinkle an infusion of boneset around the home to rid it of evil and negativity. To curse an enemy, burn as an incense with a black candle inscribed with the name of the enemy (not recommended -- remember the law of threes!).Also Called: Feverwort, Agueweed, Crosswort, Eupatorium, Indian Sage, Sweating Plant, Teasel, Thoroughwort, Vegetable AntimonySecond row Brown eye susanJustice, Legal matters, Strengthen spellsBlack pepper kernelsMagickal Uses: Banishing negativity, exorcism, and protection from evil. Burn to rid the home or office of bad vibrations or before you move into a new place(make sure you then use Sage.)Red chile flakes $2.00 To make problems for someone, cause a break-up, make them move out; also for cleansing.Activated charcoal $2.00 (can and will stain what it touches) 5.Aztec healing clay6.Catnip7.Claw bark8.Comfrey leaf9.Cinnamon10.Chamonile flowers11.Chickweed12.Copal oroThird row1.Chaste tree berries2.Cloves3.Citronella4.Cedar berries5.Calamus root6. Cedar tips7.Cumin seeds8. Dimiana leaf9. Dandelion leaf10.Dandelion root11.Dill seed12.Devils clawSecond shelf/first row1. Dragon blood2. Echinacea purpurea3. Elder berry4. Elder flowers5. Eucalyphs6. Fever few7. Flax seed8. Frankincense9. Ginger root 10.Goji berries11.Gum Arabic12. Hawthorne berriesSecond row1. Motherwort2. Marshmallow root3. Mandrake root4. Marjoram5. Mugwort6. Myrrh7. Nettle leaf8. Passion flower9. Patchouli10. Penny royal11. Poke root12. Queen meadowThird row1. Hyssop2. Hibiscus3. Irish moss4. Jasmine5. Juniper berries6. Lemon balm7. Lemon grass8. Lavender9. Licorice root10. Lilac11. Lally of the valley12. Maple chipsThird shelf/first rowOrange peelOreganoPeppermint leafPlantain leafOrrisRed rootRosemaryRed roseRaspberry leafSageSassafras rootStrawberry leafSecond rowRed sandalwoodSt. john wortSkull capRed hawaiian saltCeltic sea saltCoarse sea saltDead sea salt Epsom saltHimalayan pink mineral saltHiwa kiai black saltStudyPhysic strengthPitter patterPeace & serenity Third row1.Blessed thistle2.Tulsi leaf3.Thyme4.Turmeric5.Wild farie6.Witch hazel7.Wormwood8.Wood betony9.Valerian root10.Violet leaf11.Vervain